Monday, September 21, 2009

It's a Manic Monday........wish it were Sunday

Remember that song, Manic Monday , back in the 80's.

Well just a short note to say, what's worse than flooding? A brand new car that is wet and leaking. Yes, I commuted 35 miles to work in a squishy wet car as it was dripping on my leg , the carpet is wet, the seat is wet and I went to use my cell phone and it was charged up but wouldn't work. So, the car is "toe up", phone is "toe up" and my stomach, got it!

May need a canoe to get back home today. And a little Pepto Bismol too........LOL

There are flood warnings here. Schools are actually closed in Tocoa today because of flooding. But if I can make it back up to the mountains, it will just be me and a cozy stitchy night tonight.

Hope your Monday is going well.


  1. Oh good grief woman...sending lots and lots of hugs and a huge raft for you and your car and cell phone!

    Your new car wouldn't happent o be a jeep grand cherokee would it? ours leaked and we took it the dealer and they repaired it...apparently some have a faulty side thingie dingie thing :)

    Hey, I think I discovered me a conspiracy....have you ever noticed that many of the crescent colors cotton floss look an awful lot like the gentle arts colors? especially the shaker ones, me thinks they may be the same company wnating us to buy more and more and more? hmmm, or perhaps I just have too much time to think these scarey, scarey thoughts....LOL.

    Hugs, kiddo, hope your day goes a bit better as it plays out...oh! and I love the Gogo's :)

  2. Hope things dry off for you soon. We are having great weather here, which is unusual for Okla.

    Now to get that 'Manic Monday' song out of my head...geez!

    In regards to your comment on my blog: I'd pet sit Ren for FREE if you wanted to drop him off my way. His cuddles would be payment enough. ;)

  3. Can you send a little of that rain my way, please? I'm sorry it's causing so much grief in GA, but all we get is a "chance of rain".

    Stitching is the cure for all bad things. Go for it.

  4. Jennifer - I've heard about all the rain you're getting and I hear there's more to come! UGH! I remember being in Pennsylvania in the mountains when they got 11 inches from the remnants of a hurricane that came up the East Coast. Kind of scary because the rain was coming down the mountain and flooding out large areas that were flat - in fact the turnpike was completely under water.

    Stay safe and dry (well, as much as you can).

  5. Woo HOO! Made it to lunch!
    Update on Rennie is that I talked to his vet and will take him in. They are thinking he had a seizure but I don't think so.
    So, until I take him in for a checkup, he will get
    1/2 of a 1/4 baby aspirin.....but they said he can't take on a daily basis because if he bumps into stuff and has a scratch he would bleed alot.
    So, they have other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medicines to give him.......I bet that equals more cost too........Maybe I can use liquid Motrin in a micro dose. I'm going to ask them tomorrow as I'm off.
    Parsley you so sweet girl!
    Karyn, it's a malibu and we loved it so far. Now I guess they can get that water out of there without mold issues is what I'm thinking......I can tell you this.
    I called when I got to work and my husband drove 35 miles to get the keys and had me a renta car in 30 minutes. He's a good man!
    About the colors of floss, I think that the colors can vary so much just in the same company, same name if it came in a different lot. Makes a huge difference.
    DMC not so different but the overdyed yes.
    So can the Rand R fabrics. Different lots, different colors.
    I am a sucker for floss too. I love color. I think color therapy is good! LOL
    Hey Tommye, I'll send the rain your way.;0
    We had a drought here for the past couple years but methinks its caught up now.
    Yep, Deb, more to come.......the dark days.....I couldn't live in Alaska with all this darkness.

  6. I've not heard about using Ibuprofen but I know Tylenol is toxic in dogs.

  7. Hi Jennifer,
    I just read an article about the flooding in GA and wowza, sounds like an awful weather event! Take good care and sorry to hear about that car. Goodness!

    Hope your get your stitchy night,

  8. Ew, so sorry about your squishy car! I actually saw a spot on the news this morning about floods in Georgia. Hope you and all of your belongings are able to stay dry from here on out.

  9. sisters in floss! I love the perty colors too....which is why my stash has grown in leaps and bounds!

    Your bodyguard is a keeper there gal :) but I reckon so are you.

    Glad to hear things settled down, and praying that our little Ren is feeling better soon....sending lots and lots of hugs your way!

  10. I am right in the BOAT with you on the Flooding.. I am in Central Alabama. Some schools are closed here also. It has rained non-stopped for 3 days.. Has rained at least once every day for 2 weeks here. Get back up those mountains and stay dry.

  11. Heard about your rain on the news yesterday. I think they said there were a couple deaths! Oh NO!! Hope you and your family are doing better than your car.


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