The Elder Tree was supposed to ward off evil influence and give protection from witches, a popular belief held in some cultures. If an elder tree was cut down, a spirit known as the Elder Mother would be released and take her revenge. The tree could only safely be cut while chanting a rhyme to the Elder Mother....... from Wikipedia
So, this is warding off bad spirits! LOL
But, on the medicinal side here~~~~~
In a placebo-controlled, double-blind study, Elderberry was shown to be effective for treating Influenza B. People using the Elderberry extract recovered much faster than those only on a placebo. This is partially due to the fact that Elderberry inhibits neuraminidase, the enzyme used by the virus to spread infection to host cells.....from Wikipedia
So, we may have a little chanting while we cut this down today.....or on the other hand, keep it around to make wine for the antiinflammatory effects and flu treatment this Winter.
Elderberries are wonderful! I hope you decide to keep it!