Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Start

So guess what this new start is?

About 1:30am when I still couldn't sleep I started this:

Yep, At Pemberley by The Sampler Girl

I was pulling threads in my studio at 1am. Just felt the desire to start it. I was jumping for joy that I had the overdyeds that was called for and of course the DMC threads as well.



And now onward to Sunday morning or at least what's left of it.
I woke up when church started so there goes those plans.

Now, off to make me a nice, sweet waffle and a cup of Joe.
I think there are many times I would love to be at a girl can dream, right?

I may just turn on an audio book of one of the Austen novels and slip right over there......


  1. Great new start Jennifer. Glad to see there is another night own out there. I could sleep all day and stay up all night. Too bad it's not an accepted practice around here!

  2. Been at teachers conference and am cathcing up on blog posts....Love your latest start~~~~...I missed the church plans too btw~~

    And, thanks so much for you sweet comments on my blog~ They mean so much to me...Have a great week, Faye

  3.'s hoping Sunday evening finds you rested and peaceful and "stitching". Your linen looks like what I use for my primitive hand hooked wool rugs...smooth as butter to hook my 1/4" #8 wool strips in...I am trying to manage doing 1 over 1 on 32 linen...ordered A Mother's Love to hopfully receive and get finished for my older daughter's May 15 B'day...hoping, and wishing:)
    Be well, Gail in Virginia


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I hope you find some useful information and gentle inspiration for your day.