Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday's Musings

Hope your Monday was as sweet as mine!

Strawberries fresh, with Sour Cream Pound Cake. YUM!

Good friends who really are real

New friends who are authors and just plain good folks.

A job to go to.

And one where I make a difference---priceless!

The health of Raven one of our Labs who lost 20 lbs in one week. The vet checked her and nothing wrong was found with the sudden weight loss. Positive thinking really makes a difference.

Getting the first real pedicure of the Summer.  Heaven to my tired legs and feet. My Scarlett toes now are polished.

Not just reading but waking up to find I slept all night with my Kindle.

working on such a blessed world event as the Royal Wedding. Enjoying every bit of it. The colors are so pretty. It means alot to me for a sweet souvenir.

Having eyesight to see.

And all the readers here who take time out of there day to hear the ramblings of mine....LOL

and taking time out at the end of every day to remember all the soldiers who are protecting our freedom so we can enjoy blogging and other sunshines.



Comments are welcome at the homestead at any time! I appreciate your time out of your day to stop and say hello!!
I hope you find some useful information and gentle inspiration for your day.