This week has flown by and seems in December every year the month goes by so quickly. By the 10th, it seems to really fly by till Christmas Day. I think the pace at work seems to make the time accelerate as everyone has a list of problems and they just realized that their deductible has been met. So, the rush is on until the end of the month for me.
For BodyGuard, crime is higher this time of year and with the economy getting worse, this doesn't help things.
It's funny because on Friday evenings, BodyGuard and I vent to each other, probably more than we should because we have had a whole week of dealing with public relations issues which usually involves folks who are for the most part thankful for the help they seek, but alot of the times are not. In the helping professions, we realize that some people appreciate us and then there are those that do not. We never mention names of course to keep confidentiality but we do have those "you won't believe this happened today" moments. And by now, we are not too shocked by some of the brashness of our society.
We have come to the realization that the current economic atmosphere has tainted the "simple world" living and it's basically a rat race now filled with people who want instant gratification.
Text messaging and cell phones have replaced alot of interaction in our society and this has been helpful in many ways; however, in others, it's taken out the personal touch.
Medical professionals are not respected as much anymore because the internet has replaced decision-making. Insurance companies determine now what medications we can treat patients with and I foresee that to be worsening with Obama's new plan.
In our professions, we can get yelled at or talked down to but still remain with a smiley face and offer as much help as possible regardless of how we are treated.
We do our best and at the end of the day, we realize some common themes run in both our professions:
1) some people just don't get it and never will--about 30%
2) some people don't care to get it--about 50%
3) some people really do care --about 20%
This is just our evaluation of the environment today. This fluctuates from week to week. We both strive hard to help make the world a better place to live.
Christmas season is filled with rush and this is something that has remained constant for as many years as I can remember. For us, we already have stressful jobs but the holidays adds to the fast pace. I see just as many depressed people during the holidays as I do cheerful and that is just what we deal with daily but a little worse.
BG spends his time educating, training, investigating and teaching alot on prevention as well as crisis management. He has helped write grants for bioterriorism issues and has much experience in dealing with current issues regarding public health as well. So, in many ways we have much to talk about in the evenings and for the most part, understand at the end of the day where our energy has been drained. It makes for great dinner discussions. LOL
Tonight we were talking about how we have both been in the helping professions for 30 years now and the world is such a different place than it used to be.
I'm sure our children will be saying this at our age one day too.
In 2000, I worked in public health and had 10 years of experience preventing disease, teen pregnancies, etc. I remember at that time Healthy Objectives 2010 and how so very far away that sounded. And here we are.......almost 2010. Most of the objectives by the CDC were prevention related and we have done a fair job in our country at attaining those but I think we still have a long ways to go in certain areas. So, it's time for an assessment to see if we have reached some of those benchmarks and I think it's interesting how so much technology has changed in the past 10 years to contribute to meeting those goals.
I'm glad to be home and slowing down now though. It's Friday evening. Time for some stitching.
I did get 9 minutes (I believe) during a very quick break at lunch to throw some stitches in the sampler I"m working on.
I set so many goals to attain before the 25th that I feel the pressure to finish them; however, on the other hand, I must decide when it's time to tuck away my Christmas stitching until next Fall.
So, the time is near that I turn back to non-Christmasy stitching. What will it be?
Hmmmmm......Logically I should go through my WIP stash and see but I'm itching to start a big new project and I already have several of them already kitted.
I'm getting drawn to the sampler "A Tulip for my Love" so.........stay-tuned! I did find out through the designer that the Fieldstone linen is not made anymore. She wrote me back through an email and said that the whoever made the linen passed away since then and it's not available. That was an unexpected response. But, I wondered why I couldn't find that particular name of linen. I some substitutes in mind.
Also, a reminder about the Christmas Give-A-Way which ends Dec 15th. I appreciate all the lovely comments and wish you luck. I think I need to start printing off the names and cutting them in little bitty pieces ahead! There are many .........and many more are welcome!
Stay safe.
I can completey understand about December flying by! I have taken a much deeper breath this Christmas season, trying to slow it down and enjoy it with my children - simplifying and I love it! I still have no baking done, have not felt pressure to finish the shopping or send out the cards, and somehow, I feel more fulfilled. I am thankful for what we have - instead of fretting over things not done.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your weekend!
I know it's your jobs but thanks to both of you for doing all you do to help others. It does make a difference and even though you may never hear a thank you from others, it matters and makes a difference in the world.
ReplyDeleteAre you stitching ornaments right now too? I wish I had some stitched ornaments ready but alas, I'm slow.
It is funny that you are putting away your Christmas stitching and I am saving mine to start in January...with the glow of Christmas still with me I will start Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow...That is when I will be less busy but still have time to enjoy a Christmas stitch. Isn't it funny how we look at things so differently? Dianntha
ReplyDeleteI think it is how we are raised, as to how we treat others and such. I know my children were raised to respect others and be kind and courteous, but sadly, as they were growing up, I saw some of their friends whose parents couldn't or wouldn't take the time to correct their kids or show them how to do this or that. It definitely shows later in life. At work, sometimes I will talk about doing something as a family and co-workers will 'ooh' and 'ahh' because they did not have that in their lives. I could go on and on, but all this to say, I hear ya! :)
ReplyDeleteP. S. I am recovering from surgery, and I surely thanked all my nurses and such!