Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sleepy Saturdays

So many people have written me about Abbie. She is doing well and as you can see we both had a lot of sleeping to catch up on lately. She is so happy and content this morning in her nap.

That's what Saturdays are for! ;)

She sends out puppy kisses and warm, cuddly wishes to all this morning.


  1. most definitely what saturdays are for.

    Wish I had puppy kisses. LOL

  2. Jennifer: You are so lucky to have Abbie, my little peanut the dog was sent to doggie heaven in sepyember, I just love reading about peoples pets.
    I hope you are well and ding lots of stitching.

  3. Miss Abbie is definitely a sweetie! Why do they look so innocent when sleeping when we know better?

  4. What a great picture of Abby. I don't have a puppy, but I do have 2 cats and I wake up every morning with one purring his head off so I can get up and get him some treats.

  5. Please give Miss Abbie a kiss from me. Blessings from the UK

  6. She's such a sweetheart. Give her an extra squeeze from me!

  7. Abbie is SO adorable. I was actually thinking about you and Abbie this morning as my little, Holly, crawled up on my chest and snuggled this morning as I was reading. I just don't know what I would do without my little Holly and I'm so glad you have Abbie.

    Have a blessed day - Julie

  8. abbie looks so sweet an comfortable. Sending warm thoughts and wishes to both of you.

  9. There's little Abbie.
    She looks soooooooo comfy on her pink blankie.
    Sending a pat-pat for her.

  10. What a beautiful little dog Abbie is!! She is just precious and looks so happy and content in her bed!! So glad that she is with you now!!!

  11. What a beautiful little dog Abbie is!! She is just precious and looks so happy and content in her bed!! So glad that she is with you now!!!

  12. Dearest Jennifer,

    Wow, what a sweet little Abbie you got there. That makes one want to cuddle up with her and hibernate!
    Enjoy your Sunday and love to you,


  13. Love to you both. Blessings from the UK


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