Sunday, May 1, 2011

About the poem and Mother Goose Day today!!!!

Today is Mother Goose Day!  My favorite is the Wise Old Owl.

I think I shared this last year and I know this is silly but while eating lunch and thumbing through a calender for amusement, I saw that today was Mother Goose Day.

The Wise Old Owl

A Wise Old Owl sat in an oak
The more he heard; the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard
Why aren't we all like that Wise Old Bird?

I honestly want to use this in a sampler one day and have had it in my scribbles of portfolio for a long time.

And also I did find the info on the poem The Weaver here:

and it will give you the author and a little info about it. It certainly is interesting especially for any stitcher to relate to. It would make a lovely sampler verse. I believe there is a copyright on it though....would have to look into that.  I love poetry too! 

Thank you for the lovely comments! I do so enjoy reading them and they are the brightest spot of my day.

Hope your Sunday is going well. Had a good lunch at Nacoochee Grill in Sautee, Ga. A lovely French country salad, a glass of wine, and wheat bread. Very soothing, so much that I napped when I got home! ;)

Now to conquer one more load of laundry........



  1. Thank you for the link to the poem...

  2. Another lovely verse, Jennifer. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Another great poem Jennifer.
    Pat-pat for Abbie. :)


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I hope you find some useful information and gentle inspiration for your day.