Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is It Well With Your Soul?

One of my favorite hymns of all time is It Is Well With My Soul. I simply love this hymn even though there are some times when all is not well with my day. I can't tell you how many times I say the dialogue, "how are you", then the other person "I'm fine, how are you" or vice versa. Have you noticed no one ever saying "I'm really not well today, how about you?"

This song is so inspirational to me now and even many years ago. I used to play this in church alot. Maybe our days may be going sour, or even health may decline but the real question seems most importantly, is it well with your soul? In spite of so many hurdles, I can truly say that it is well with my soul.

My soul is nurtured here in the mountains.

I found this on U-Tube and having trouble putting it straight into the post; however, click on this for added inspiration to your day:


I do not know the pianist, Ian Oakley, but his version of the song is beautiful. His talent is so touching.
Inspires me to go to my piano and play my old version of the song while I look out the window at the mountains, the birds, the butterflies and flowers.
So for today, not "how are you?" but "Is it well with your soul today?"

Until later, enjoy your Tuesday afternoon.........

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    When I saw the title to your post on my blog reader, I thought of that hymn and wondered if that was what you were going to write about and when I clicked in, I was smiling. I love that hymn - very beautiful rendition of it too.



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I hope you find some useful information and gentle inspiration for your day.