Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snow Sparkles 1879

Snow Sparkles 1879 sampler
designed by Feathers in the Nest

copyright 2010

suggested colors are:

DMC 676 old gold
DMC   646   light beaver gray
DMC 647   medium gray
DMC 648   dark gray

Antique white belfast linen of the your choice count.

Clicking on the design should enlarge it for you.

There are some areas of backstitching as well.  I thought you would like this one.
It''s designed and insprired by the quote by Wallace Stevens 1879-1955 and the full quote is:

Snow sparkes like eyesight, falling to the Earth:
Like seeing fallen, brightly away.

Today has been a very restful, and peaceful day. Sitting by the fireplace, reading and some R& R. perfect for Winter day. I hope you
 enjoy this design!


  1. Magnificent this old sample,I thank you for having divided it!
    Mammka-Monika from Hungary

  2. Thanks Jennifer, it's a very nice design.
    Love the pic of your house in the snow also.
    Give Abbie a pat on the head for me! :)

  3. Thank-you for a very lovely pattern, good morning to Miss Abby, Miss Peanut says hello also.

  4. thank you for the lovely design...snowflakes have not arrived yet in my area :) Give Miss Abby a kiss for me

  5. Thought I would comment and say neat theme, did you make it for yourself? It’s really awesome!

  6. Love it, just saved it. Thanks for inspiring me to stitch.
    Merry Christmas, Paula

  7. thanks amigo! great post!.


Comments are welcome at the homestead at any time! I appreciate your time out of your day to stop and say hello!!
I hope you find some useful information and gentle inspiration for your day.