Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Abbie~~"how long do I hold this yoga pose with you?"


  1. Hehe...she is soooo sweet.....looks just like my Bailey sound like you have a relationship with Abby as I do with Bailey....she is my lifeline with everything that has gone on in my life the last few years....I felt like she was sent from above to save me......and she has :D.....give Abby a hug from the midwest!!

  2. yes, she was surely sent for a special reason and I so love her but then again I love animals and haven't found one yet in my life that didn't love me. So!In fact she is now cuddling in my back. LOL
    I'll give her a hug!


  3. Love seeing Abby! She is so adorable and I'm glad you have her as your constant companion. :)

    God bless you - Julie

  4. Abbie is very sweet. Just love dogs. Guess what? It is snowing here in Wisconsin this morning! Keep smiling! :)


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