Sunday, October 16, 2011

A sampler to grace your Fall home--Follow Your Heart sampler

Follow Your Heart
designer~~ Feathers in the Nest
Jennifer A Dalenberg
copyright 2011

Hope your weekend went well, absolutely beautiful weather here and so inspirational. I actually designed this last year and tweaked it over the weekend with some Fall colors in my stash.

Threads recommended:

Crescent Colors~~ Colonial Copper
Gentle Art Sampler threads~~~Apple Cidar
Gentle Art Sampler threads~~Buttercrunch  (yellow)

I love Colonial decor and this would make a lovely addition when stitched up as a pillowkeep for your keeping room.

Aged linen of choice

Inspire my heart with your finishes and I will post on the blog to share!

Every day is a new beginning

every day is brand new start

it’s about the wheels you are spinning

and the sun inside your heart

~~~by Menyo, Follow Your Heart lyrics


  1. I love your "Follow Your Heart" and I have learned that today is to short to re-live yesterday. Thanks for sharing.
    Be always in stitches.

  2. Thank you so much! I love it!
    Hugs from Spain

  3. Lovely design, Jennifer. It's nice to see you back. I'll stop by often.

  4. I love it Jennifer!! Thanks for the freebie..

  5. Hi, Jennifer, Thank you for new chart....I love to do these...I call them my in betweens....Do them while resting from finishing larger projects....Like instant gratification.

  6. Thank you Jennifer for "Follow Your Heart". Love it. :)

  7. Thank you so much for this sweet little chart. We've had beautiful weather the last 2 weekends, but not too much color changing on our leaves. It is hard to stay inside when it is so wonderful outside.

  8. Jennifer I am soooo glad that you have come back!!!! Take care of yourself and I will check by often.


Comments are welcome at the homestead at any time! I appreciate your time out of your day to stop and say hello!!
I hope you find some useful information and gentle inspiration for your day.